Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Keezhadi Excavations: Is the Tamil Population Facing a Cultural Genocide?

Hello World,
This question is a big red alert to me! 

Here’s why:

This questions seems to be a consequence of the current right wing efforts to rewrite history to make sure their ‘creations’ get an ‘ancient’ image in the minds of the general population. The primary purpose is to expand the right wing propaganda using such a re-written history and eventually fool people into believing incorrect information that will further divide the masses especially on religious basis.

However, I wish to indicate my concern in a different direction also with respect to this question where I see the right wing trying to establish a ‘competitive co-existence’ of hindutva identities along with every culture’s original identities. It doesn’t matter if you speak Tamil or Kashmiri. The current right wing effort wants to place a fictional character representing hindutva within your history to make sure you agree that hindutva is the original old culture. The fact is we are mix of many old cultures with none having to do anything even remotely with hindutva or the associated fake news.

When I read that those in charge of Keezhadi research are sending samples to Pune and are collaborating with their Pune based archaeology/history ‘experts’ I am afraid they are being gamed into interacting with the Deccan College gang that claims they have genome sequence that says hindus are original inhabitants and that they did not migrate from elsewhere [essentially saving the Aryan’s their face from the ‘foreigner’ tag].

If I am not wrong, the Keezhadi research is carefully being funneled into the right wing efforts such that the output of the Keezhadi research says North Indian races existed before Tamil race and that Tamil race might have also evolved from the North or Non-Tamil race [I have no clue to what extent they will drag this fantasy].

The first step they attempted was to create the mental demand for clarity in Keezhadi research where deliberate restrictions on the research was placed which blew up on media raising the concerns of many, especially the Tamil population. The Tamil population is concerned that they will not get a fair opportunity to better understand their history which for some reason hardly ever gets a coverage in our history books.

The next step is underway where those involved in Keezhadi research are collaborating with those who wish to ‘re-write’ the history to establish the Aryans are not from other lands but the senior race of India. Since the samples are sent outside Tamilnadu and the researchers are forced to interact and collaborate with a specific group of researchers controlled by the government, the output will be carefully scrutinized to make sure the version of Tamil history that comes out does not corroborate or substantiate the Aryan invasion/migration conclusions that are already with us, as proved by many reliable historians many decades ago.

The final step will be the publication of the findings where the Aryan races or the ‘superior’ races representing the hindutva ideology will be documented as co-existent with the Tamil culture. I am suspecting they use the Bhakti movement part of the history to show the Aryan/superior races engaged with Tamils during the Bhakti movement [or any such interaction dating back] where Tamils and the hindutva identities co-existed.

All this, right now, seems convoluted and to be fair, a bit confusing. However, when I remove the titles, segmentation, semantics and classifications, what I see is this:

The Keezhadi research is being gamed to establish a credible research output which does include hidutva identities along with Tamil identities such that if Tamils deny it, then they are denying their own existence and to salvage their own Tamil pride, they will silently agree with hindutva history co-existing with their own. The catch is: If Tamils deny any part of Keezhadi, they are insulting their own culture and the only option is to accept the Keezhadi research when it comes out with statements claiming the Aryans were indeed the senior-most races much elder/superior to Tamils and that there was a healthy interaction between Tamil and the ancient hindu culture.

All such statements, should they make it through the Keezhadi research, are fake news.

Please watch two linguistics experts discussing the history and sanskrit and Tamil and the related history of the same and you will see the evidence discussed in detail:

There are Tamil literature that dates back much behind the times of Ramayana/Mahabharata/Hindu-shastra. here is another such discussion between linguistic experts who discuss Thirukural:

Overall, my view is that the hindutva based right wing propaganda is slowly hijacking the Keezhadi research to carefully place their identities in the Tamil history to fool the Tamil population which might exist say 100 years from now into believing that Tamils had Aryan races and hindutva culture as senior and superior to their own Tamil culture. This will have dangerous consequences should it materialize that way.

The fact is that Tamil populations existed well before the hindutva/hindu-shastra fantasies were even conceptualized. Sanskrit is a literary dialect developed to support the monarchs’ efforts to establish a reliable governance with the motive of enabling their families in the position of power and privilege. Nothing less, nothing more.

Please look up all news items about Keezhadi and think about the sequence of events and how Tamil history is being researched and governed by everyone while not letting Tamils handle it by themselves. I do not want to tarnish the integrity of all researchers but I have a sense of fear that there exist a select group of non-Tamil researchers who wish to re-write the Tamil history and remove the ‘old’ tag from Tamil culture so their political hindutva colleagues make inroads into Tamilnadu and ransack the remainder of the Tamil culture, or in other words, my culture. I, as a Tamilian, acknowledge that our country has a mix of diverse cultures and we need to collaborate and co-exist but the rise in right wing propaganda seems to saffronize all of us to establish ‘one culture’ which is invalid, incorrect and inhuman in every sense. I do not look down on any culture but I refuse to accept the idea of my history being distorted to render someone else’s fake history as real. Tamil culture existed before the religions were created and there is ample evidence in our literature to support that. The two videos are tips of those ice bergs.

Keezhadi excavations and related research can and will add to the existing findings but this is not the first time that Tamil history is getting a clearance or certification. Tamil population has so much literature which has been teaching the real Tamil history all along. Yes, Keezhadi is interesting but Keezhadi is not the first time or the first evidence. 

I would like to conclude that the Keezhadi research has already established a bit of evidence substantiating existing research findings about the Tamil culture and its history but I am afraid the final output might have some carefully misguided statements which might force everyone to undermine the Tamil culture by falsely placing the hindutva ideology intermingled with the Tamil history. Tamil culture has nothing to do with hindutva but the Keezhadi research output might be misrepresented on purpose to include hindutva as part of the Tamil culture.

I am afraid my culture, history and existence will be reduced to a few fake debunking stunts just so one group can raise their political capital using re-written and misrepresented history. I am afraid Tamils are at the risk of a cultural genocide apart from the economic genocide which is ongoing since mid 2014.

I am Tamil and and I have nothing to do with anything even remotely hindutva. Tamil culture existed much before the concept of hindutva was created for political objectives of the monarchs of that time.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sultan's Palace Survived!!!!

Hello World,

No..I haven’t forgotten you!!!! My laziness just kept me busy all these days….

So here I am …… back in the blogwoods…..

I have been longing to share my bizarre experience I had during my trip to Mysore with my parents….A trip that will stay with me forever….No I am not talking about beautiful sunsets….(though I did find some from Chamundi Hills….)…..

And cutting to the chase…..Our taxi driver-guide took us to the palaces in and around Mysore…it was an interesting ride for me…We were visiting homes of people who lived a long time back…and all of them had something to do with the lives of my forefathers…..

Our first stop was at Srirangapatinam, where we saw Tipu Sultan’s palace….the palace he is claimed to have lived in….Well, old palaces don’t usually look aesthetically pleasing….and no surprise..this one was a dilapidated “ruins-alone-left” half-building with everything except the basement gone….The palace was guarded by gated fence and a government appointed security woman….

Seeing no point in gazing through the “long-lost-yet-fenced”  monarchial debris-leftover….we got back in the car…drove through the rest of Srirangapatinam and started for our next attraction for the day…which what do we know...? was another palace supposedly more famous and tourist-entertaining…..

Just like any other tourist from the southern Indian territories….hearing the terms “Mysore Palace,” and “Mysore Maharaja,” I was diving into the ideas of getting familiarized with lavish monarchial lifestyles that ruled the societies back in the day……

And I was right…The Main Palace…as it is claimed was a treat to the eyes…even from the road…The campus was big…filled with tourists….exploring the beauty of a home that can house a farmer’s market, a carnival, a volley ball court with bleachers on all sides and a mid-size rock concert….all at the same time…all indoors…..  

We had to scramble through the crowd to get our tickets to enter the Main Palace....

The palace was guarded…guards at every 100 ft…footwear not allowed inside the building…it was quite a “decorum-demanding” atmosphere there……I walked along the decorated hallways admiring the architecture that I don’t know jack about…I grew curious when I saw pics (or do I say Hon’ble Paintings?) of the royal family on the walls of the hallways….especially towards those featured british men dressed as the members of the Imperial british govt. that ruled India for over 2 centuries….. ???!!!????

I was like…. “This is an Indian King’s palace…What the hell are british soldiers doing in the paintings with the Indian king’s family?”

I have to say..I have met people from England and they are interesting people (let’s spare their accent please…)…I don’t hate the brits for the 2-century vandalism their old-time monarchial govt. executed on my homeland….I do hate the british government that destroyed India…but the English people of this generation need not bear the backsplash anger…..Just my thought…

Getting back to business…I was surprised to see that the King who enjoyed the awesome palace was friends with the british govt. !!!!!!  They have had friendly meets, “High Tea” I suppose…Social gatherings with display of local culture, processions in honor of the king and the british buffoons who had enslaved the spineless Indian king….. and many more I guess…

I started reading every detail I could find to see how far the brits went to keep their friends happy so they can eat the fresh livers of the rest of India that deserved the nation for itself…..

The tiles came from Glasgow, the chandeliers and every other piece of decoration installed were custom made and imported...What a life!!!! Something struck me real hard….I just visited Tipu Sultan’s palace and as far as I remembered (I still do) it was rubble in destitute at best…..

I asked our taxi-Driver/Guide to take us back to the Tipu Sultan’s palace for I really needed to compare details….he agreed…he was surprised as to why I wanted to see the ugly-looking ruin for a second time in a day when other attractions were still out there for us to visit….

During the drive back to Tipu Sultan’s palace, I kept pondering as to why would we decorate, maintain and charge Indians to check out the home of a holy-blood traitor that sold India to the then british imperial euphemism-loving monarchial maniac govt.?????????


So this is how my country wishes to teach me patriotism….a fine blend of satire, surreal and off-color humor flavored with the realities of the “Yes-Boss” history that violated India from all sides….

I do agree I was not capable enough to realize this until this incident….may be my brains failed to identify these bizarre yet real things….may be this incident merely made me realize my intellectual handicap that had been preventing me from understanding things the way they are supposed to be….understood….

For some reason that I am yet to understand, the concept of patriotism which often times is loosely based on man-made fences on planet earth, is entertaining as well as confusing. I am just happy to call myself something and feel possessive about the same thing, in this case they are geo-social parameters, using terms that someone coined a long time ago. But on the flip side, is it not fair to stand by the ideals of individuals who stood for the benefit of their fellow citizens? Is it wrong to mildly appreciate the sacrifices made by individuals from the past who successfully laid out the possibility of my existence and freedom in a future that they knew for sure they wouldn't see?.....Honestly, I sense microwaves dancing through my cerebral I would stop this side of the discussion right here and leave the rest for your intellectual experiments....

Here are some pictures of Tipu Sultan’s Palace, the home of the man who successfully implemented one of the earliest rocket artillery in modern warfare, in an attempt to free India from the clutches of the east-whatever company…

 And here’s the palace of the “Mighty-Hon’ble-My Rat’s Ass-Privileged” king who was brethren with “Feudal Bred-Queen Coached-Barely Missed Guillotine” brits who believed in civilizing the colored Third-World with imperialistic resource-greediness……

To all the current generation of English/British people, none of the hate-remarks I mentioned are targeted towards you or anyone who was not directly involved in the imperial rule from the past. I like Beatles, I ride a Royal Enfield and I sure have a lot of my fellow citizens living in England right now… Cheers!!! 

To my fellow citizens, it is time we start preserving all elements of our history alike, ……traitors and patriots are part of any political trash bin of every era and ours need more fair treatment….if we can protect the traitors well, we can protect the patriots too…since the very definition of patriot and traitor is subjective and relative, how about preserving every piece of our history with same respect and effort, so we can spend the rest of our generations laughing at the idiosyncrasies our forefathers mastered and marauded….. No offence intended towards anyone who were not directly related to selling India’s freedom for brit-alms… Cheers!!!!

I am already feeling a lot better....means...this post is coming to an end...  ;)
Finishing up, I have to say, that trip to Mysore was entertaining and surprising, with another “Wake-Up” call that reminded me that there is so much I need to know and there is so much out there that has not caught my attention yet, in spite of being in plain sight…….who knew Sultan’s Palace Survived!!!!

On a very different note [a shameless plug], if you are interested in unique tamil short films, feel free to visit couldn't tolerate the mass masala entertainers anymore and decided I will do my best to produce content with substance. I have a long a way to go as a producer and a start-up founder, but I am glad our journey has begun. I look forward to your support. Each film on our site costs INR 15. Thanks!!!
