Monday, April 5, 2021

The Rise of a New Tamilnadu

 Hello World,

It is about time the Tamil race realized it has been given the shorter end of the stick all along in the name of all-inclusive politics.

While the complete takeover of Tamilnadu by the Tamil race is still decades away, the journey has already begun.

The journey forward is going to be tough and the future holds a significantly strong dose of violence for the Tamil race to bear with and unleash. However, the destination will ensure the uprising achieves peaceful equilibrium which is needed for sustainable coexistence and growth.

As for now, the 2021 TN Assembly Elections will mark the arrival of the revived Tamil race. It is indeed in the best interests of the Tamil race that non-Tamil interests win in this elections. There are bundles of accusations against political movements and leaders who support non-Tamil-oriented politics and the situation is getting saturated with complaints choking the audience. The next 5 years is when those who are accused of acting against the Tamil race will create, validate and publish the evidence that proves their guilt. 

It is quite disturbing and disheartening to break this to you but be warned, there will be a Tsunami of unavoidable violence in the next 10-15 years and there will be collateral damage. All we can do is be prepared to go through it. The Union of India is already tasting bitter to many and the day is not too far away when Tamils will start considering this union unnatural.

Alternately, we can consider a sustainable solution where Tamils are not underestimated sidelined within the borders of Tamilnadu. The sustainable solution requires undeniable evidence to prove the anti-Tamil elements guilty. These evidences need time to manifest themselves. The next five years are going to be critical from this standpoint.

Therefore, it is in the best interests of the Tamil race that anti-Tamil political movements win the 2021 TN State Assembly Elections. 

Should we survive this treacherous journey, let's meet at the destination. We will have some sustainable solutions to design and implement.

Best regards,

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