Thursday, June 27, 2024

What's Wrong With Tamilnadu and How It Can be Rectified: A Tamil's View

 Hello World,

Have a look at the image above which displays the twitter post of Social Rights Activist Shalin Maria Lawrence. What she points out is the state of affairs in Tamilnadu on the socio-political front. That is exactly the problem that needs to be solved for the welfare of everyone. We live or die together. Safety is reliable only when it remains a shared resource. Tamilnadu should step away from religious/caste identities. We all are someone by our native language and that is our naturally acquired political identity. Every other identity is manmade and with limited utility imposing unfair collateral damage on everyone involved. 

We can become someone by following a certain worship practice/faith. We can become someone by branding ourselves using any other trivial nomenclature. These are identities we either choose or get thrust down our throats and every time an identify is thrust on us, it almost always has a religious background to it.

We evolved and our languages evolved naturally to help us communicate with each other. When we realized we cannot rely on face-to-face active communication alone, we evolved passive communication through coding our naturally evolved languages. This led to us documenting our thoughts for others to receive. Passive communication means through written format opened the door for creative compositions and we composed a lot of creative works mirroring our thoughts and imaginations. Some of those compositions became popular over time and the mass acceptance made those compositions religious texts and their prime characters as the gods. The cascading effect of this specific line of creative compositions leveraging passive communication formats of naturally evolved languages led to many sacred texts and gods across the world.

We evolved. Our languages evolved. We wrote stories and chose a select few as favorites. This is how we have the religions and gods of today. They are, in every sense of the phrase, a figment of our imagination. 

Anything we do on the basis of a figment of our imagination will remain trivial as it is not real. Religions are manmade imaginary concepts with no utility other than using them as reference to pick one over the other enabling a conflict which, is inherently never-ending. Any sub-categorization under a religion are nothing more than an imaginary doubling down on the already excessive triviality with the only consequence being baseless social segregation.

Language is the only real basis for political identity. if we cannot consider our own beyond the realms of religion and caste, we are incapable of considering others as our equals. When we remain in such state of abstract incompatibility with the society we are a part of, we are nothing more than an automated tool of segregation that religious/caste nomenclatures perpetuate.

When we act as the means of segregation through our affinity towards religions and caste, the society is put under an unfair social order devoid of equality. While detesting manmade identities can alleviate social segregation, the honor system nature of the act, at a societal level, remains non-unanimous in nature. The means to equality in this circumstance imposes the need for a sustainable preventive measure leveraging the very means of segregation which invariably turns out to be the concept of equitable access which manifests itself in affirmative action.

Equitable access is the means to social equality and the element of equitability must leverage the very basis of segregation for that is the only sustainable means to permanently deactivate the basis for segregation in our society.

If we cannot love our own looking over the religious and caste identities, we remain the victim of the world's oldest and largest conspiracy - religion. 

Looking for a higher position while subscribing to an inhuman ranking system based on religion is nothing less than accepting to be a slave. The need to impose on others in response to one's acceptance of an existing hegemony is a clinical symptom of social tyranny. This will only perpetuate mass hysteria resulting in social collapse. The Aryan concept of social order is a classic example of this. The Dravidian concept of social uprising, by definition had the necessary ingredients but failed to manifest in practice. No point in speaking the praise of a knife that was once the sharpest in the market. When slicing away triviality is the need, a knife that works is better. We in Tamilnadu, have relied on the manmade Dravidian blade for decades now. It is true that the Dravidian blade did cut a few slices for all. However, it evolved to cut specific slices only for the one's who directly held its handle and since then it has not only stopped caring for everyone but also lost its edge. 

We in Tamilnadu have to move away from the Dravidian concept of politics. We have always had a natural blade with us in the form of Tamil. We chose to not use it as we put our trust on the Dravidian blade. In all fairness, it turned out to be a historical mistake. Now that we realize that the Dravidian knife is no longer serving all, we, in all sense of sanity, have to pick the natural blade we have always had but never used - Tamil Nationalism.  Tamilnadu must be converted to a land that does not put Tamils at a disadvantage in any respect. Tamils must have a complete control of Tamilnadu and its public resources. This is the sustainable means to flush out the Dravidian-majoritarian bias hiding behind the very caste system that Dravidian politics claims to be fighting against. Everyone is welcome to live here in Tamilnadu. They have always been here and are welcome to continue but under Tamil Governance. Trusting Non-Tamils with political administration has led Tamilnadu to be subjugated by Anti-Tamil and Aryan social orders.  Tamilnadu must end its reliance on Non-Tamils in political administration and eradicate every last neutrino of the Aryan socio-religious concept both in theory and practice. Since this is Tamilnadu, it naturally becomes the Tamils' responsibility to get this done. It is a work-in-progress but we are on it.

Dravidam will be killed and Tamil Nationalism will prevail. 

Such is the state of future outlook for Tamilnadu. 

Best regards,

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