Saturday, January 6, 2018


This time we are going to discuss the concept of Amatya: The Minister from the section termed as ‘Amatyapatti’ the analogy for modern day management term being The Manager. You may recall your health insurance situation once if that may be of any comfort. It is all about management and in this case the focus is on how to get your managers as per Arthashastra.

So, one guy says the king can appoint his friends and classmates as ministers. Another idiot says the king has to appoint those whose secrets are known to him and that if these appointed ministers deviate away from the king’s opinion, he can then reveal those secrets and put them in distress. He goes on to blabber the king will also maintain a level of decency, simply because the ministers also would know his secrets. To me this is more of extortion than executive operations. Also the king and the ministers seem like teenagers threatening each other with fail videos of each other. To even consider this as a respectful piece of literature is insult to pretty much every word used in this sentence.

It is almost as if minister positions are jam jars to be filled with favourite flavours. Not one bit of people’s representation and this crap is supposed to display my history from hundreds of years back. Am I the only one observing Culture Coloured Publication Propaganda from the times of multiversal [this time drifting away from universe, kindly hang on] manic depressive monarchy.

Now look at this pic:

The idea thrown at us is that the king needs ministers because one wheel doesn’t turn.

Well, do you have any idea what a UNICYCLE is?????

This is the proof that back when this crap was composed, they did not have a unicycle and this author who is so Thought-Leaderly-Translating the nonsense into trendy-damp-turd with a chill-factor and yo-bro look has no clue this metaphor makes no sense in today’s time.

Again, something flowery and sounding obvious being thrown at us in the name of principle with the back-story that this is from great piece of literature that is old and valuable.

They must have had access to the best weed possible when they conceptualised this idea. Columbian cocaine involves petrol and acids and so can’t be placed in the arthashastra timeline. I am just being contrabandly fair, also herbal, so no chemicals from corporations. I am sure you feel the high-t. I am not sure what colour of elephants they saw flying when they decided they are going to literally manufacture this scripture of venom that can itch a society to divided-death.

Let’s proceed further, shall we?

Have a look at this.

The first part says the king should employ those as ministers whose fathers and grandfathers have served as ministers. This is similar to the noble-blood nonsense that was used to recruit high ranking military officers and officials of the king’s court [even in the west, recall Napolean??]. 

So this is where the great calamity of dynastic-politics got standardised. It makes sense now. The kings have established their dynasties as rulers and so the rest of the king’s joker-team decided to establish there own version of DYNASTIC-SLAVERY-THAT-PAYS-WELL and guess what they used as a tool: PUBLISHING. All they had to do was write ‘scriptures’ in their own Klingon and propagate the theory of dynastic ministerhood among the citizens and most importantly the kings.

‘…though offended will never desert him’ indicates how intricate was the conceptualisation of the DYNASTIC-SLAVERY-THAT-PAYS-WELL.

The next part is a gem of an example for ancient hypocrisy crystallised for the current and future. 

‘….such faithfulness is seen even among dumb animals: cow for example…’

WOW, just WOW……the GO-mother is a dumb animal but hey, it is faithful. Guess what uses GO-mother as example for dumb animals: ARTHASHASTRA. 

This is a case of a well fed goat getting into a pot and making a biriyani of itself. How considerate? or should I say, How Confederate? The all-important ever-comprehensive representative-of-cultural-history ‘principles of management’ has documented its belief in the existence of ‘dumb’ animals and used the all-holy-no-nonsense-not-to-be-butchered GO-mother COW as an example. 

How can a holy animal, considered a representative of the eternal-whoever-that-is can be dumb and why would Arthashastra have it that way? 

We need to be a bit fair and unlike arthshastra, a bit more nice. Let’s give it an escape. The translation of the Arthshastra has the mention of dumb animals and uses COW as an example.

This means the dumbass idiot [apologies for insulting all idiots who were, are and going to be] who authored this translation of Arthashastra had no clue what he was translating. The follow-up to that is: who on earth would even have the objective translating such nonsense and using it for spewing management principle satire that all readers will never recognise? Let me tell you who: The one who read Peter Drucker and wanted to become a local Peter Drucker assuming he is going to motivate a new South-East-Asian Toyota-level manufacturing business. 

Again, someone in the present/recent-past has had access to really good contraband and this time we can account cocaine as well as a possibility. Fairness is important you see, even if it were to be contraband. The shastras might take that as blasphemy and who knows they might spring out a new scripture so dumb that animals such as humans in the year 7018 might believe the 5000-year-old revenge-crap-literature is actually the work of ancient followers of a lord of the non-existent who had the capacity to stop breathing for 500 years and sing songs to get hurricanes and to add a bit of holy flavour, were able to split the ocean so the GO-mother can go on a pilgrimage that it must within its life. Boy! My brain is burning! [or is it ‘If you smelllllllll what the rock, in the temple, is cooking?’  sports entertainment is always fun when used in any context, even IPL, just my thought]

Have a look at one more exhibit [hope I am allowed to say this]:

‘…he shall employ as ministers such as are born of high family…’ indicates the institutionalised format of racism in the name of ‘nobility by birth’ and this was used as a statement defining the philosophy of getting ministers for administration. The statement ends with a cracker of a phrase ‘…ministerial appointments shall purely depend on qualifications.’ 

So, someone burped out the idea of born-of-high-family as a qualification-for-ministerial-appointment and the greatest-scholar-who-had-access-to-the-best-weed included that in the most misogynistic nonsense mankind has ever composed: Arthshastra. The world now has so many brain damaged intellectuals who believe the modern management principles come from or resemble what this misogynistic nonsense covers in great detail, not to miss out, in systematic ‘cerebral-haemorrhage’ style.

So the ‘Amatya’ part says get your friends, or those whom you can control through extortion or those who are born of high family. How intellectual, fair, sincere, correct, humane and representative of the culture of this part of the world. Absolutely DEMO(LISH)CRATIC, isn't it?  

The rest of the world better take good example of this or else the wrath of the holy one shall rain hurricanes and blow earthquakes or worse, appoint Trump as the president. Try being a believer now. Please remember, you need to be a good Amatya: The Minister/ the dot [may be the holy one as well]. 

Best regards,

Thursday, December 28, 2017


Hello World,

This is a multi-part blog-blast-series where I will be vomiting my thoughts on how nonsensical arthshastra is. Yes, we already cut to the chase and the chase is here. We might as well proceed further.


Let’s start with what’s out there in the public domain on this one. Please have a look at the image below and read the text in it. It is a screenshot of a translation of arthashastra available online.

To put this arthashastra conspiracy in perspective, please find below another image of a similar translation I found [in a paperback book this time].

I am sure by now you would have noticed that both the images present the same translation with just a minor change of words. The ‘reckless’ is replaced with ‘lazy.’ ‘Works’ is replaced with ‘wealth.'

Reckless and lazy are very different words with very different meanings [irrespective of the context].

Wealth and works are also very different words. 

One of these translators, or even both, might have copied from a common source and replaced the words to evade plagiarism issue and related lawsuit. 

I wonder if anyone would even go to court for such nonsense. 

Now to the idea presented in the translation, I think it is absolute bullshit. It starts with saying that if the king is lazy/reckless, his subjects will also be reckless/lazy. So what???!!?? 

Who gives a rat’s ass about a king’s subjects? The king’s primary role is to keep the territory intact, secure and enable the prosperity of the country’s entire population. 

Trump is reckless and lazy. He doesn’t think before he tweets and he wouldn’t take the time to read all that is given to him. They have to break it down and use his name a lot to keep him reading. 

The USA is still the country with the best economy in this world. 

The translation moves on to say, a lazy/reckless king will fall in the hands of his enemies. 

HELL NO!!!! 

Do you know which king falls into the hands of his enemies?

The one with enemies and very badly trained military forces. 

Even when a war is coming to a close, the weaker force will surrender to save its remaining soldiers unless the situation is a do-or-die one. 

Why would arthashastra define how a king should be? Kings existed even before this thing was written. How did kings exist before a ‘how should a king be’ doctrine came into existence?  There must have been a logic that helped kingdoms survive and in some cases even flourish. 

The fact that kingdoms fell and kings perished were largely because the invading army was stronger and in most cases much larger than the losing kingdom.

The fact that this part of arthashastra deals with king and his subjects indicates it is suitable only for monarchy and not democracy. Also, since it talks about the king’s subjects eating into his wealth/works, it blindly conveys the message that the king and his subjects are the prime focus when it comes to the responsibility of the king, in this case SWAMI: THE LEADER.

In other words, it is either outdated or out of sync with anything sensible, or, in my opinion, both, by leaps, bounds and light years. [going universal here, kindly drift along]

Any king’s subjects should be capable of handling the responsibilities given to them in the best way possible. There is no way all SUBJECTS can be the same as the king. For this to happen, they have to be cloned [for physical resemblance] and brainwashed through ‘workshops on policy-making and administration methods.’ [a very popular nonsense prevalent in democracies today]

From a different perspective, if the SUBJECTS  are indeed as the KING, then it only means the SUBJECTS are the Sancho Panza's of a Quixote-of-a-King. To be fair, king a windmill for a monster is reckless and a all-time 'Yes Master' means silly subordination without reasoning. At least with Quixote, Sancho Panza remains with the objective of protecting his master from big risks and embarrassment. 

I think I insulted Quixote, Sancho Panza and Miguel de Cervantes by using them in an analogy involving Arthshastra. Please accept my apologies for that.

If you think arthashastra can be interpreted in many ways, then, it has to be fantasy and not principles of management.

Anyone can come up with 'have a blue skin over your head at all times that can weep for your benefit' as a carefully crafted doctrine for those seeking enlightenment which can then be interpreted as 'the sky we know today.' 

One can't claim 'Principles of Atmosphere' as the title for such crap!!!! It is as simple as that!!!

Stop believing this nonsense please. Just because something is ancient and in sanskrit doesn’t mean it has to be right or relevant. Arthashastra could also have been the result of very good political satire written for the comedy shows of those times. Someone placed it under the wrong section of a new library and the rest of readers just flew with it, driven by their own imagination that said this piece of writing is actually principles of something they never knew. True they did not know, but what they did not know is that arthashastra is political satire and the statements shouldn’t be taken as such.

Anyways, let’s proceed further. I am loving this already. I’ll be honest, I am being a bit sadistic but hey, when it comes to nonsense, all one can do is feel good about criticising it. It is only fair because the subjects and the king will resemble each other and there is a big group of humans out there who believe in this crap.

The arthashastra or what should ideally be the most misogynistic nonsense mankind has ever had written, preserved and for the love of salted crackers, translated into torture tips for screwed up management ideologies, is ruining this world and I am now officially sick of it. 

Meet you again in my next rant of this blog-blast-series.

Best regards,

Monday, December 18, 2017

Trump Memes for Social Media

Hello World,

If you are interested in sharing Trump memes as part of your social media campaign, fell free to check out this gig which offers 150+ Trump Memes for $5.

Click here to get Trump Memes
Best regards,

Thursday, November 30, 2017


Hello World,


North Korea, being a nation equipped with nuclear arsenal, is raising concerns through the missile development program which in essence, is expected to serve as the payload delivery mechanism capable of delivering warheads including the nuclear one. Economic sanctions have been imposed on North Korea multiple times and regional powers in the Asia Pacific region have been warned by the United States regarding the escalating security threat perception in the region, owing to North Korea’s repeated missile testing efforts in spite of warnings and sanctions.

To put things in perspective, any sovereign state is entitled to develop its own defence capabilities to protect its territories and interests, while complying with international law and agreements [varies from country to country]. From this perspective of ‘Rights of a Sovereign State’, North Korea is logically entitled to test and develop any military capability without violating any agreements it had signed in that regard.

However, the state of authoritarian administration in North Korea, driven by policies advocating ideologies what might be classified as ‘secluded nationalism’, presents the country in bad light. News reports alleging the North Korean government’s activities often going against its own citizens can be ignored however the economic situation of the citizens tend to substantiate such allegations presented by news reports. This has, over the long term, presented the North Korean administration as volatile in terms of response to issues, both internally and externally. The long-standing strained relationship with South Korea seems to be focal point of the volatility being attributed to the North Korean administration.

While conclusive evidences for violation of regional and global peace treaties [relevant to North Korea] and that of any alleged human rights violation within its borders is yet to be ascertained, the continued efforts to build warhead delivery mechanisms and test launches directed at and/or over regional neighbours tend to substantiate the allegation on the North Korean government’s intentions of building such military capabilities. The only consolation as of now is the South Korean administration’s declaration that no attack shall be carried out on behalf of South Korea without their prior consent. In essence, the regional peace, in this case, is being largely facilitated by countries that otherwise are facing threats from the military activities of North Korea. This calls for a situation, where regional powers, including North Korea will now have to go further with their efforts to develop suitable military deterrence capabilities, missile defence mechanisms being relevant to this situation. Since the recent missile tests by North Korea indicate its range covering its neighbouring countries, the United States military being present in those regions is facing the same security threats being perceived in the region.

Missile defence is gaining prominence as the post-cold-war era is fading out, evolving new territorial defence requirements. Modern defence requirements, unlike those from the past, do not hold air, land, sea and space as standalone territorial domains. The modern defence mechanisms are expected to be integrated and interoperable both across services and militaries at regional and global level. While building deterrence is primary requirement, it is also equally important for regional powers to negotiate their respective political stances, such that long term diplomatic frictions do not escalate into military conflicts, hurting the citizens and economies of those involved and their neighbours. Given the global circumstances, military conflicts in any regions will have its own repercussions across the globe. 

To put this in perspective, from where I come from, we might use the following adage:

“Sothuke singi, soriyardhuku saxophone kekutha?”

This translates into: When the world is struggling to feed all its citizens asking for a saxophone to scratch [an itch] is beyond stupidity. Meaning, why spend so much on military when there are other essential needs still standing unmet. Accidents and diseases kill more than terrorism and aggressor state activity and still we spend more against terror.

Yes, we have had world wars and we continue to spend more on defense than many other essential needs. Military deterrence is a need but honestly not as much as the growing defense budgets indicate. Besides, defence budgets allow the purchase and upkeep of defence capabilities. War funds are a whole different thing. Given today’s economic circumstances, there is no country in the world that can sustain a war economically. Also, given the same global circumstances, any war between any two entities, irrespective of how far they go to battle with each other, is bound to impact every citizen’s plate and what comes on to it, across the globe. 

From that perspective, given that in today’s time, everyone is aware of where every other one stands, it is in the benefit of all to simply have the military tails coiled up so the focus can be to feed the citizens who are hungry and employ those that are not. Enough of the territorial safety mirage and the associated spending to protect geographies where normal humans can’t survive. When one country builds something to defend itself, naturally others follow suit and it is beyond stupidity to call the followers 'aggressors.' We all have our own ways of interpreting our state’s sovereignty. When some believe in repeated missile tests, there is also a bafoon who believes in retweeting propaganda videos and engaging his own presidential press office to defend such nonsense.

I think I’ve made my point.

Best regards,

Sunday, November 19, 2017


Hello World,


Yes, Long time, No see and I do have a lot to share. However, the circumstances are such that there is a genocide about to happen and I need to stop it.

This is a scream after a visit to The Wang’s Kitchen in Nolambur, Mogappair. 

Set up in the first floor, outdoor stairs leading to the reception, dim yellow lighting enhancing the all familiar Wang’s branding themed in red, the restaurant has a curiously entertaining interiors with downward flight of stairs leading to the dining area where the tables are arranged.

That’s the end of anything and everything positive about this shithouse that might have poisoned me and other guests with possibly the worst zombie-dying microbes ever to have originated in Mars. The problem is, the restaurant is still in operation which means a section of this generation has already been zombie-fied!

Me and my brother-in-law ordered 1 chicken momo, 1 Tshing Hai chicken fried rice [It had a chilli next to it], 2 Egg Fuyong, 1 chicken spring roll and 2 Lemon Mint Coolers.

Chicken Momo:

6 pieces of twisted flour-shit filled with meat paste lay on our plate, frozen and still thawing, drops of dew on it, while some grated cabbage scraped of the kitchen floor lay accidentally on the plate, not knowing if they were part of this evil scheme that aims at eradicating mankind off this section of the multiverse. 

I have a certain amount of tolerance for odd tasting food and still I could not tolerate this seemingly quarter boiled tumour from a dying cat’s gut. My brother-in-law quit after the 2nd piece and it was just me and the momos staring each other for the final showdown. Trying to avoid food wastage I went through the regurgitating experience, hoping, the rest of the meal will serve as the antidote for this slow poison. I was wrong by a million light years in every wrong direction possible.

Tshing Hai Chicken Rice:

The bowl had a mix of rice and vermicelli, which were straight from the dumpster, along with orange coloured pieces of what I am calling chicken and my brother-in-law refusing to believe my guess. The rice had a few shreds of green beans and carrots, again, possibly from unwashed bowl. The moment the bowl landed on our table, we understood the technology, importance and significance of gas masks. We sincerely wished we were better off in a world war, on the ground, during an air raid involving nerve gas. We are absolutely sure, we would have enjoyed sweet death  more comfortably that the smell from the fried rice bowl that deactivated our olfactory capabilities for ever. It doesn’t make sense to live without a sense, especially when the causation smell came from nonsense called Tshing Hai chicken fried rice. I am sure the food tastes awesome but what Wang’s at Nolambur served was worthy of 35 counts of genocide under the influence of Mutating Momos.

The thing had rice and vermicilli or rice noodles in it and so we figured, we can cover up the death-smell and coma-inducing flavour with ketchup. We just did not foresee the operational challenge that was waiting to crash and burn on us. The waiter took a millennium to deliver the ketchup, by which time, we had committed our version of culinary Harakiri. We were already half dead from the Momos. We were just trying to get done with it as soon as possible.

Egg Fuyong:

The fluffy fried egg dish which I used to remember from the other Chinese restaurants is forever gone from my mind. I am merely holding on the index of events like a post-dead vista operating system. What we got was freakin plain omelette with a few shreds of carrots and green beans and few litres of what we would like to assume as oil from the kitchen mist. The horror struck twice when the waiter stepped up to serve it making the egg-splash-vomit into pieces, essentially increasing the frequency of capital punishment for our taste buds. They were already corpses on our tongues. We just did not know why this chaos was manifesting such a design on our lives coming to a close.

Chicken Spring Roll:

The rolls looked just fine externally and the insides were also familiar. We were confused as to why the revival mechanism would enter the game with rules which was anyways more than half done. We got into a mindset that, we still had a chance to recover from whatever was happening to us and this time we were more wrong than Trump in most of his administrative decisions. Even when imminent death was staring at us, we had to compare our thoughts with those of Trump’s. What is the point of demoralisingly degrading our thought process when it was almost confirmed we needed to die? Why was not part of our agenda but we just had to include it. No reason identified yet.

The insides of the chicken rolls, as it turned out, are left-over chicken from earlier manchurian and kung bao massacres that might have inadvertently occurred in the Kitchen of Nolambur’s Wang’s Kitchen. We puked about 17.5 times inside our own mouths and our dying taste buds had to drown in it. Saw, Hostel and the remainder of gore fests seemed like emmy-winning sitcoms. The stench from the almost rotten chicken that was recapitalised to make our chicken rolls, felt like nothing. The reason it felt like nothing was, we were half dead and we were losing our senses one by one, we now were not caring if we could receive and process anything greater than 17% of environmental stimuli we were receiving. We just kept eating hoping it will be done soon.

Lemon Mint Cooler:

This, was the final dose of uplifting enlightenment coloured green and topped with ice and plastic mint leaves. The taste felt like pepsodent toothpaste squeezed into our nostrils while 80% methanol was pumped into our throats  using a firehose. We now realised we were on our way to the section of multiverse, hoping a horned gatekeeper might be there, asking for aadhaar cards and patanjali coupons for herbal painless redemption in the new world. We sincerely hoped that life did not include any food from Wang’s Kitchen.

SOS Call:

Please do not go this place and stop every human from getting caught into the institutionalised genocide, degrading everything that chinese culture stands for and the very concept of hospitality. Wang’s Kitchen Nolambur, please stop killing humans. Shut down this branch and beter, shut down the entire chain, if you think your chain serves standardised flavours across the network. No amount of yoga and herbal crap can prevent the slow death of those who walk by your establishment at Nolambur. If we call yours a restaurant, we will be insulting the entire hospitality/restaurant industry. 

Best regards,